Author: admin

Getting my mother a security system

My mother turned 81 years old a couple of months ago. She remains very independent and physically active. She goes out to lunch with friends, attends town board meetings and is active in the community. She had no problem driving to the mall to shop, mowing her lawn, weeding her gardens or spring cleaning. I […]

Starting out with a good apartment

After graduating college, Sara and I decided to move down south, then we’d both had enough of the snow and ice up north. With my job handled particularly online, I had the ability to task from anywhere. My friend Sara was blessed enough to find a task in her chosen field at a great starting […]

I didn’t know what I wanted for dinner

My husband called about an hour before he was to arrive home from work, and he told me he was bringing company home for dinner. I took a deep breath and asked who he was bringing home with him. I was thinking it was just a coworker, whom I didn’t care if I was serving […]

Nutrition Training Coach

After my heart attack, I had a rough time getting back into shape. I was losing weight, and my family worried. My doctor told me he thought I would do better if I had a nutrition training coach. They set me up with a physical therapist to get my heart working better, while the nutrition […]

What can be done about indoor allergies?

My allergy symptoms are always terrible in the spring. This year seems to be worse than others. I heard a lot of allergy sufferers are feeling worse this year. The news reporter said that it is because of all of the rain we got over the winter months. I don’t really care why, I just […]

Contractor Can relocate bees

I’m glad I called an expert because he ended up discovering several other wasp nests that I was unaware of I planned to get all of our outdoor chores out of the way this week before I go on trip several states away. There’s isn’t too much task to do, I just have to clean […]