What can be done about indoor allergies?

My allergy symptoms are always terrible in the spring.

This year seems to be worse than others.

I heard a lot of allergy sufferers are feeling worse this year. The news reporter said that it is because of all of the rain we got over the winter months. I don’t really care why, I just wanted to know what to do about it. Unfortunately, the news report didn’t cover that so I had to look up some options on my own. Some things I came across was that I should get an AC filter with a strong MERV rating. I wanted to know more about air conditioning and how that factors into allergy symptoms. It turns out that I might also want to get my ductwork cleaned out by a professional AC technician. Additionally, there are whole home air filtration systems I could get hooked up to my heating and cooling units. These tend to work better than your standard HEPA filters because they work throughout the entire home instead of just one room. This made sense to me. I got the AC filter right away then I called up an AC company and scheduled a visit. I want a quote for the ductwork cleaning and the whole home filtration system. If it is reasonable I definitely want both services done. After all, I really do believe that better indoor air quality will vastly improve my allergy symptoms. I know none of this will do much for my outdoor symptoms but I will still rest easier knowing that at least I can be comfortable in my own home.

air filter