HEPA Filters manufacturing process

Being an engineer for many years, I’ve always liked to see how things are made.

I’ve been this way ever since I was a kid, and my grandfather used to tell me I could break a cast iron ball, as I used to take things apart and not know how to put them back together again.

With that being said, we would like to talk a bit about how a filter is made and what it takes to put them into your system for keeping the air clean. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are made using a combination of mechanical and electrostatic filtration processes. The HEPA filter media consists of a dense mat of microscopic fibers, typically made of glass or synthetic materials, which are packed tightly together to create a maze-like structure. This structure traps airborne particles as they pass through the filter, such as dust, pollen, and other allergens, as well as microscopic pollutants like bacteria and viruses. To make the HEPA filter, the fiber mat is placed between two layers of permeable material, such as paper or plastic, to hold the fibers in place and prevent them from shifting or becoming damaged. The filter media is then cut to size and pleated, which increases its surface area and allows it to capture more particles. Finally, a gasket or seal is added to the edges of the filter to ensure a tight fit in the filter housing and prevent air from bypassing the filter. HEPA filters are subject to strict performance standards, and to be classified as HEPA, a filter must be capable of removing at least 99.898% of particles with a diameter of 0.34 micrometers or larger.


hvac unit

Staying warm with a furnace

We hope you are keeping warm this winter as the weather has been very cold for a lot of months now. There are a lot of ways to stay warm in a home, from a good fire in the living room oven to just wearing a lot of clothes. We like to use a good gas unit to stay warm and we will discuss it a bit here for anyone interested in heating the home that way. A gas furnace is a popular heating system for homes as it provides efficient and reliable heat. To heat your home using a gas furnace, follow these steps: Check the furnace’s fuel supply: Ensure that the gas tank or line that supplies fuel to the furnace is full or connected, and the valves are open. Adjust the thermostat: Set the thermostat to the desired temperature, making sure it’s in the “heat” mode. Turn on the furnace: Usually, there’s a switch or circuit breaker dedicated to the furnace. Flip the switch or reset the breaker if it has tripped. Ignite the burners: If the furnace has a standing pilot light, wait for it to ignite. If it has an electronic ignition, the burners should ignite automatically. Monitor the furnace: Check the furnace regularly to make sure it’s functioning correctly, and the airflow is sufficient. Maintenance: Regular maintenance, such as changing the air filter and having the furnace inspected by a professional, will help keep it running efficiently and safely. It’s important to make sure that your gas furnace is installed and maintained properly to ensure its safe and efficient operation. If you’re having any problems, it’s best to call a licensed HVAC technician to avoid potential hazards and ensure the problem is resolved.


More about heating

Air purifier for my baby

When I got pregnant I instantly started looking at my house with a critical eye, i wasn’t pleased that I had so multiple breakables out in the house.

I disaffixd them in addition to put them all in the attic.

I then cleaned my house from top to bottom preparing for my current arrival. I started considering my air quality! Did you know that the indoor air pollen levels is significantly more polluted than the outdoor air? Did you know that most people spend 90% of their morning indoors? I knew my child would be stuck indoors for quite some time since my due date was in the winter. I didn’t want to bring my child into a house with dirty indoor air pollen levels. I started first by getting my HVAC duct cleaned by a professional HVAC contactor. I wanted all the hair, dirt in addition to debris disaffixd out of it. I also had him service my HVAC equipment. I wanted a HEPA filter, mold off my cooling coil in addition to the condensate drain mucked out since there was algae in there. I think better about how clean it is, but the last step was adding an air purification plan. This disaffixs smells in addition to dust from the air quality. It was straight-forward to have it installed right into my HVAC duct, but as the HVAC operates the air blows through an air cleaner. Now my indoor air is as clean as possible. I need to change the air filter with the air purification plan in addition to get it ran tests on care about my HVAC equipment. I suppose it is worth it though.



Heating and cooling provider

Stoking the fireplace and drinking tea

I think I could also do some HVAC repair work in towns where we do gigs and maybe I can work online selling furnace filters and a/c parts.

We are here at the farmhouse right now and I am working away online with this writing work while my friends chat in the background. We are going to sing a bit here and try to get our melodies better with a singing coach who is living here on the farm. We are in the middle of a Spanish countryside area and will be here for the day while we take a break from our normal lives in the small beach town we live in. This farm is going to be a compound for people to visit, but only a fireplace to stay warm and no central HVAC system to keep comfortable, so it is a little more roughing it than most people are used to. We are planning on buying an RV in a few months if all goes well with my cryptos and we will tour the country doing musical shows at different pubs and bars. I think I could also do some HVAC repair work in towns where we do gigs and maybe I can work online selling furnace filters and a/c parts. We don’t need a lot of money to live in an RV if there are four of us splitting the cost of gas and food. We have a small electric furnace in the RV and we also have a small space heater that we can use to stay warm while we sit outside of the RV when we stop in a town for a while. I just want to live life and enjoy the rest of the ride of my life.

heating device

Enjoy the ride and clean your hepa filter

I have learned to enjoy the ups and downs of life a bit more in my later years.

I am 55 years old and hopefully I am still near the middle part of my life and will live another 30 years, but nobody knows when their time will come so just enjoying the ride has become my main goal in life. I do a lot of meditation and yoga each day and I think that has helped me learn patience, which has a big bearing on my happiness level in life. I would like to teach a class to HVAC workers at the heating and cooling company so that they remain calm in times of stress, which would help their local business run a lot smoother. I think I could write some stories for my music and use the music to help teach people about life with the wisdom I have gained from others. I like to work on ductwork for people in their homes because I learn a lot about life from talking to all of these wonderful souls. I hope that in my later years I can do more good for people and try to make the world a better place before my time has come. I still want to work at the HVAC business during the week part time doing HEPA filter sales and helping them stock the shelves with the new HVAC technology arriving. I am sure that I can leave some kind of good impact in the world with the years that the universe has in store for me.

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Another electric space heater story for the world

I’m running out of new titles so some of these will sound a bit absurd I am sure. I have been writing these articles for a few years after leaving my online teaching job for children. I grew tired of teaching kids after teaching 6000 lessons online for kids and now I just focus on writing these stories and a few other small jobs here and there. I have been working part time since turning 32 years old and will continue working this way till the last days of my working career. I have been able to work for a heating dealer in town also and make some money on the side doing heat pump repairs and space heater sales. I think that I can make money playing music on the streets each month to cover my food costs and the rest of my money I earn from the HVAC jobs pays my rent and spending money. I will try to work another 15 years in the heating and cooling industry and try to keep doing the hot water boiler repairs for as long as my knees will last. I don’t ever want to retire completely because it seems that when you do nothing your mind starts to go pretty quickly. My heating rep buddy stopped doing the HVAC repair work when he hit 65 years old and by the time he was about 72 his mind was pretty much done. You have to keep using your mind after you retire and you also need to keep a social life and not give up.



Four heat pump articles for y'all

I am spending the day on the farm and am going to have some singing lessons by a teacher later today.

We came here to get away from the hustle and bustle of the 450 person town we live in, haha.

Actually there are more people than that where I live, but it is pretty small as far as towns go and also pretty quiet in general. We are going to do a little singing practice later and hopefully come up with some new sounds from our voices to make our music a bit better. I work during the day at this local business doing HVAC system sales and service for people in town, but I would love to get a little side income from music so that I can cut back on the hours a bit at the shop. I think that with some practice I can work less at the heating dealership and save my knees from all of the work on the ducts for the commercial HVAC system jobs I do. I have been playing the drums ever since I was a teenager but I never took it seriously because I thought that you were supposed to get a normal job your whole life. I do like working with the HVAC techs and HVAC experts at the cooling business and would love to do some musical shows for them one day once we get our act together. There are a lot of doors in front of me and I want to open the right one and make my life something special.

hvac serviceman

On the road with good heating

We are in the car again and going to the farm house to have a little tour. The farm is way inland from this Spanish coastal town and we are arriving there in about five minutes, so I will write more when I get there. Okay, we are here now and wow, what an eye opening experience it is being here. I like the remoteness of this farm, but living here a long time would be tough to do as there are no people within miles of this place and I would probably go a little crazy. There’s a fireplace to keep you warm in the main room, but as far as a central HVAC system there is none to be seen. I guess some people like to live in an isolated place like this as they feel more at peace, but I like to be near the sea and around my friends. I also have a local business near me where I can buy things like a HEPA filter and beer, none of which they have anywhere near here. This off the grid living is a pretty cool way of life but I am sure it comes with its own difficulties too. There is no smart thermostat to adjust to keep you warm and no space heater to turn on to take the chill out of the air. But the peace that you feel in a remote place like this is soul energizing and lifting. My HVAC rep buddy needs to see this place and maybe even bring a small gas furnace for the people to use.

Commercial air conditioning

Six more cooling equipment deals to write

I will work on my writing stuff at the farm too if I don’t get it all done in time and maybe even bring my space heater so that I am warm there when I work.

I am a bit under the gun today with a new change of plans this morning. I was going to stay home and write and then meet a friend this afternoon. But all those plans shifted when the friend told me that she couldn’t meet till later this evening because of a change in her own plans. I am now going to go to this farm with some friends to have a bonfire and sing some songs. I think that sounds like a lot of fun, but I also have to get ready and do my yoga very soon. The heating system is running now as I set the smart thermostat to 72F so that my fingers are able to type faster. When it gets too cold in my office my fingers get cold and stiff and don’t type as fast. I will work on my writing stuff at the farm too if I don’t get it all done in time and maybe even bring my space heater so that I am warm there when I work. I will be at the farm for a few hours and want to make sure my writing work is done for the day so I am not working at night. I will come home and clean my HVAC system before I go to bed because the furnace filter hasn’t been cleaned in a while and when it gets too dusty I end up sneezing all night. I think I cleaned it about six months ago so it is well overdue for a good cleaning job.

Residential HVAC

Seven heating system stories to work on

I have to write seven stories today and then another 30 minutes of other online work before my workday is done.

We are going on a small road trip and I will have to write on the road if I want to get this all done by tonight.

I don’t like to work late at night because it messes with my sleep and all. I think I can take a little time out when we are at the farm and get some writing done while the others sing and play music. My bandmate and I are also HVAC experts and we are going to work on the heating system at the farm to pay for our music lessons. We want to come up with some new sounds and also improve our voices when we sing and I think this trip is going to be very good in the end. I will bring my heating and cooling equipment tools and also some HEPA filters for the furnace and A/C at the farm. That should cover everything as far as the repairs go and I bet we will come back tonight as better musicians too. Everyone will make out on this trip and tomorrow at the local business we can talk to the heating dealer about doing a show for everyone for the next holiday party. There is a lot of good stuff on the horizon and I think that the future is going to be brighter with these singing lessons we are getting today. Remember to clean your furnace filter, and call your mom please.
heating maintenance