Window Installation wasn’t as easy as I imagined.

I read the instructions on the new window replacements my wife and I had bought.

I had never done construction, but I was smart and I knew how to read instructions.

I was sure that with my wife’s help, we could do the window installation without hiring a professional. We had the old window removed, and all the window trim off. The window was carefully measured, and we had the new insulation in place. When I put the window in the hole, it didn’t fit right. I was sure I had followed all the instructions for window installation, but something was wrong. I complained about incompetence, and my wife thought I was talking about her. She put down the tool she had in her hand and told me to do it myself. I didn’t even try to tell her I meant the incompetence of the window installation company. They had the wrong instructions on the paper, for the window we had bought. I called my brother, who was a general contractor, and asked how many window installations he had done. He said he had done enough and asked if I needed help. We finally got one window installation done, and he asked how many more I had to do. I showed him my stack of new windows. He told me he needed a case of beer, and my wife to go shopping with his wife. This was a job for two men, and no women to give their feedback. It took an entire weekend to complete six window installations.

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