Whole house air cleaners are a wonderful idea

I have witnessed our honorableshare of fear during our current health crisis.

  • And, I get it given the mortality rates of people who get this virus.

Fear of change & the unknown only multiply the problem. So, I am doing our honestly best not to watch the new too much. But, to listen carefully to those that are experts in the epidemiological field. Being at home makes a wonderful deal of usual sense. I’m not glad to be cooped up in the HVAC comfort of our house. However, that is exactly what I will do so it can help reduce the health & economic impact of this pandemic. I want to help ensure the immune health of our family as well. In February, I did a cost, benefit analysis of installing a whole house whole-house air purifier. The HVAC method in our home is only just a few years old. It does an incredible task of keeping us cool in a region well known for the heat. However, I have sealed up the house certainly tight in order to keep as much HVAC treated air on the inside to reduce HVAC costs. So, our main motivation when researching the whole house air cleaners was to be able to make the indoor air much fresher. They use high intensity ultraviolet light to destroy the DNA of hazardous airborne contaminants. Now that we are dealing with a viral pandemic, our analysis would be honestly different. I chose not to go with the whole house air cleaner. Knowing now what I think about indoor air pollen levels & immune health, I will be installing that whole house air cleaner in our HVAC as soon as the HVAC supplier can do it.

