We tried hard to help them out

My son and his girlfriend had a baby while they were still in high school.

  • They graduated with a newborn and the next year Sarah got pregnant again.

My second grandchild in two years was born. At that point, I decided it was time for the kids to stop playing house. My wife and I bought a house a few miles away from our property. Now they are close enough that we can help out with the kids but they still have space of their own. I didn’t know how my son was going to feel about the house, but he was actually very happy that we decided to help them out. Sarah was happy as well, because my wife was close and she did not know how to raise a baby. The best thing that we ever did was buy a house for the kids that was close to us. I found Jack a job working at a local furnace repair business. The local furnace repair business needed someone to help clean up at the shop and perform routine tasks that any person could do. The guy that owns the business as a friend of mine and I recommended my son for the job. I think the furnace repair business is a great place for Jack and I hope that he will learn the skills necessary to get a job in the industry. Working in the furnace repair industry will allow my son to obtain a skill that he can use for the rest of his life to support his family and wife.


hvac maintenance