Traditional security isn’t as common nowadays

My Grandfather started a private security firm here in the city! Of course back then it was hardly considered a “city” but has grown a lot since then.

The two of us aren’t the sort of firm that hires bodyguards for you, we are more like security consultants that will get you set up with your own customized system, and grandfather handed the company to his son, and the time is coming up for my dad to retire and hand the company over to me.

The nature of this company is regularly evolving, and I know the future is in cyber security. My dad is not so sure, because all he knows is traditional security and really believes that a firewall is a literal wall that is on fire. I do know that there will regularly be a market for traditional security, but I think a company needs to follow the money, and there is big money in cybersecurity. By breaching an alarm system, a thief can steal all the money in the building, but by breaching the network perimeter security they can steal every penny you have in the bank. That’s what scares people, that criminals with a keyboard can circumvent your server firewall and data encryption, and access all the data you have. It is impossible to have a company these days without using the internet, or a bank, which means every single supplier is potentially vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks. My dad is starting to come around, and is thinking of opening a cybersecurity office here in the business, as a start.



Operating system security