Three HVAC techs, and my AC unit is still broken.

I knew there was something wrong with the air conditioning unit even before I had the HVAC technician do the inspection.

He told me he had to order the parts, which I was perfectly fine with.

He said he would orderI the AC parts, and the next week he would come back and install them. When he installed the new parts, the air conditioning still didn’t work. He seemed surprised the AC was still broken, He told me he was going to have a colleague come look at the air conditioning unit. I asked if I was going to need to pay extra, but he said it would all be part of the original service call. The second HVAC technician arrived and he said I needed a fan motor. They ordered the fan motor and returned the next day to install it. The fan motor worked, but I still wasn’t getting good air conditioning. They both look stymied and wanted to call another HVAC technician. I told them if the air conditioning wasn’t repaired this time; I was going to hire another HVAC company and I would contact the owner of their HVAC company. The third HVAC technician arrived and hit the reset switch. Within seconds the air conditioning unit was running and there was cool air coming from the air vent. When the first HVAC technician turned off the power, he forgot to hit the reset switch. I wasn’t happy when they tried to make me pay for three HVAC technicians and all those parts, when the reset switch hadn’t been touched.

Smart HVAC