This helped a bit

I have been having pretty bad air quality within my home.

  • I did not want to invest in a whole home air purification system because they cost too much money.

But I did go out and buy a portable air purification system. But even that was not enough to completely clean the indoor air quality in my house. Thankfully though, it was the beginning of winter, so it was cool enough outside to open up the windows. By opening up the windows, running the portable air purification system and letting the good air quality from outside get in my house to mix with the bad air quality, this helped a bit in cleaning the air quality of my home. It was a combo of running the portable indoor air cleaner and the natural great air quality from outside that finally rid my home of this bad air quality. The bad air quality happened from me not cleaning my house as often as I should be. I get kind of busy with work and other things and forget to handle such tasks as house cleaning. Everyone needs to have a good house cleaning at least twice a year. This ensures that your home will have the best possible air quality by keeping things clean. In the future I think I am going to hire a maid service of some sort. That way, I can keep up on my house cleaning and keep the indoor air quality in my home decent. This is going to be the only way to accomplish this I believe.



HVAC technology