There’s a weird smell coming through the heating vents

Lately I have been noticing that there’s a really weird smell that’s been coming through our heating ducts in our apartment.

It wasn’t something that happened gradually, either.

It happened all of a sudden and we don’t know where in the world the smell came from. At first I thought that something must have died somewhere in one of the HVAC ducts, but we couldn’t figure out what could have gotten inside of a closed circuit like the ventilation ducts. The smell started to be so bad that it was making our eyes water, and we just had no idea what we could do about it. We opened up all of the windows, but the weather has really been cooling down lately and that made the house just a little bit too chilly for us. Plus, any time the heating system kicked on, it just sent that awful smell all through the house again. I finally called up our local HVAC company to see if they had any ideas about what it could be. The HVAC technician that I spoke with told me that sometimes, you might get a gap or a crack in your air ducts and that mold or mildew can start growing in there. That sort of thing can make a terrible smell which will then infiltrate your whole ventilation system. He suggested that we get our air ducts cleaned professionally and then install a whole home air purification system to run in tandem with our furnace and A/C system. I hope he’s right and that it fixes the awful smell!


Heating equipment