There was water leaking from the AC

The couch in the living room area has been outdated and dingy for a year.

  • It has a lumpy spot in the middle that keeps us from being cozy when every one of us rests on the couch.

My partner and I made the choice to replace the couch last week, then we purchased another couch from a furniture company in town. The current couch found a home in the living room near the back of the room. I decided to put the couch directly under the air conditioner vent. I thought that I would have the most cozy seat in the house. Instead, I ended up with the wettest seat in the household. The air vent started leaking water all over the current couch. Moisture buildup was inside of the HVAC duct and it started leaking all over the couch, however by the time I realized there was a complication, the couch was already wet and smelled terrible. I tried to take the couch back to the furniture store, however they would not provide me a refund or replace it. I had to contact a professional cleaning corporation in order to clean the upholstery on the current couch. I also contacted an HVAC appliance corporation so I could find out precisely why the AC vent was leaking. I found out that the air vent wasn’t leaking in the least. The problem was a small water pipe located near that vent. The water pipe had sprung a leak. The air vent just happened to be directly underneath the place where the pipe happened to be leaking. The business said every one of us was blessed, because the pipe could have burst at any moment.

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