The greatest HVAC service deal ever

I recently cashed in on an amazing rewards offer that was a part of my exclusive heating and air conditioning company membership.

I have been doing business with the company so long and have come to know the employees so well that they have given me the top tier of benefits in their rewards program and membership.

This includes the kind of benefits that employees from the company receive. The particular rewards offer that I recently took advantage of offered 50% off any type of HVAC service if it was the sixth HVAC visit within one year. As you would expect, I did my best to manipulate this offer to my advantage. I called the HVAC company in for things throughout the year such as duct cleaning and preventative, routine maintenance. Then, when it came time for me to upgrade my furnace, I made sure that it would be the sixth time I called them out that year. To be honest, I had not discussed the finer details of this offer, so I was not entirely sure if a complete furnace replacement was part of this deal. When I explained the situation to the HVAC technician that came out to help me choose a new furnace, he called his manager, who affirmed that I would be getting 50% off the total cost of replacing my furnace! What an incredible deal. My HVAC company definitely knows how to treat customers that have been loyal to them for a long time. I’m very excited for this offer and I know I will have to choose my new furnace carefully!


air duct cleaning