Thank goodness for the dog blankets in the back seat

My wife and I love our animals.

We take them almost everywhere that we go.

They love to ride in the car. They tend to get a lot of dirt and mud on the back seat, so we have a couple of blankets that we keep in the truck and we put them on the seat when the dogs are riding with us. My wife and I were very thankful for those blankets last month when we got into an accident and we were stranded on the side of the road. We were coming back from an event and we were up in the mountains by the lake. There was snow on the ground and service was spotty. I did not see the elk come out of the woods and I swerved to avoid hitting the animal. My wife and I ended up in a snowbank and we could not get the car to move. We could not turn on the engine either. There was no heat in the car and it was getting cold very quickly. I turned on the hazard lights and put out a road flare. I remembered the blankets in the back of the car. We covered ourselves with blankets and waited for help to arrive. We didn’t have heat in the car for nearly 6 hours and we would have frozen if we did not have them. That accident was one of the worst accidents that I can remember having in the winter. I was stranded once before, but I had heat in the car and we were close to the interstate. This time was much more scary.
gas heater