Take the dogs out, or he won't come

The last thing I heard the dispatcher before leaving to get into our repair van was, ‘take the dog out, or the Heating and Air Conditioning specialist won’t come in, but i have been bitten twice, and the minute time, I almost died when a dog mauled me. I refuse to go into a condo if they have dogs that are running loose. It isn’t the dogs’ fault they are trying to protect their owner. I’m a stranger in their environment. It is up to the dog owner to protect the animal, so they don’t suppose they need to protect, and whenever an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist heads to a customer’s house, the dispatcher will ask about animals and tell the owner the animals need to be secured, but the more than one times a dog attacked me, the owners didn’t listen to the dispatcher. They said it was their house, and they did what they thought was right. I walked up to the door and had our Heating and Air Conditioning ID badge on our shirt. The owner came outside and told me he had a dog. I told him I would not come in the condo until it was secured! He said his partner was holding the dog, however I wasn’t satisfied. I could remember how I felt when another dog latched onto our throat. I apologized, however told him that if the dog wasn’t crated, or behind a closed door, I would not come in. He said he needed his furnace repaired, and I told him he had to secure the dog. This went on for many minutes before I got back into our Heating and Air Conditioning repair van. He called the office to complain about me, however the dispatcher backed me up.

Ductless heat pump