My portable A/C came in handy

Now you might be wondering about our central heating and air conditioning.

I am sure glad that I had my portable air conditioning machine with me. Technically I always have it with me, because I keep it in the basement of my home. I bought the portable heating and air conditioning machine years ago, and even though I have only used it a few times, I like the reassurance of having it, and being on the safe side, then not having it and needing it. My wife actually thought it was a dumb idea when I first bought it, because she never thought we would use it. She thought it was a waste of money. Well, she was completely dead wrong, because when it comes to the super heated summers that we commonly have, having our portable cooling device is a great idea. Now you might be wondering about our central heating and air conditioning. The thing is our central heat and A/C unit works just fine, but I like to keep our portable cooling unit as a backup in case we ever have any problems.It came in handy this summer, when the temperatures went over 100 degrees, and our central cooling A/C was not enough. The central cooling unit needed a bit of help, so I pulled out the portable HVAC unit. Thankfully, the two of them are enough to get us through the rest of this brutal summer. My wife didn’t want to admit it, no matter how many times I pressed her, she didn’t want to admit having the portable cooling unit was helpful after all.


air quality systems