My personal trainer was helping with my weightlifting.

When I was much younger, I was at weightlifting. It was nothing for me to benchpress 400 pounds of my legs. I was training for marathons constantly, and weightlifting was the normal part of my training program. As I got older, my weight shifted, and I quit going to the gym. Every place where I had muscle, had now turned into flab. I was to the point where I didn’t even look in my mirror. When I turned 50, all I could see was an old woman saggy skin and a fat belly. I knew I had to get it back into the gym and start exercising again. I look to see if there was a personal trainer available at the gin that was down the block from us. If there was a personal trainer, hopefully there was going to be a nutritional counselor also. I no longer wanted to be a bodybuilder or run marathons, but I wanted to be me again. The personal trainer was not only working with me on my nutritional program, but he was starting to get me back into light weightlifting. It felt good to work those muscles again, even though I was so sore I could barely move for about three days. My body started to respond to the weightlifting and exercise regime my get had 25 years ago. I wish I had never let myself go so badly, but after three pregnancies in four years, I was tired. I was a full-time mom and a full-time business owner, with no time for myself. I’m now taking that time for myself, and who knows, maybe next year my personal trainer will have me fit enough that I will be able to run a marathon again.

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