My heat escaped through the roof.

Last month, the Heating as well as Air Conditioning company did a heat assessment on my home.

  • I couldn’t think it when he told us most of our heat was escaping through the roof.

Our home is never really warm, as well as my pal and I wanted to know where my pal and I were losing our heat, or if there was something wrong with the heater. After checking the heater, he told us there was no reason for it to not be working officially. The heating system was only three years old, as well as it was one of the most efficient models they had. He told us he was sure there was either a complication with the insulation, or all of the heat was going through the roof. He measured the amount of insulation on the floor, walls, as well as ceiling of the attic, as well as said it had shrunk importantly. With some new insulation, the heat should be staying in the lower floor instead of escaping through the roof. He also said my pal and I should get the insulation in the ceiling of the attic, which he had told us twice now. I didn’t realize the Heating as well as Air Conditioning company could supply us all this information as well as do the testing for heat loss. I consistently thought my pal and I had to call a company to do that for us. My hubby was glad our heating system is in perfect condition, but now my pal and I had to call a professional to make sure all of the insulation was installed correctly as well as that it was the right insulation to stop heat loss. It wouldn’t be nice to have the insulation installed as well as find out it wasn’t the right one to do the task.


energy saving tips