My dogs always crowd the baseboard heaters

Having dogs is an amazing experience even considering the negatives.

When you don’t have children, there’s nothing better than seeing the excitement on your dog’s face when you walk in the door from work at night.

It’s hard to replicate the unconditional love you experience from a dog, even the best case scenario with the most loving partner or family member. My dogs also play with me when I’m stressed out or having a hard time with life, something that we all take for granted while being pet owners. It would be much more lonely if I was here without my dogs compared to how I live when they are around. Even my trips and vacations are planned to account for my pups. I’m always happy when I find accommodations that allow me to keep my dogs with me when I travel away from home. But when we’re for days at a time, more often than not my dogs are simply being lazy and sleeping as much as possible. They like to be comfortable, especially when the temperatures outside are extreme. I feel bad for how much they pant when temperatures are in the 80s, as dogs have the most minimal sweat glands in their bodies compared to human beings. When it’s cold outside in the autumn, winter, and early spring, they crowd around my baseboard heaters to stay warm. Since there are only two dogs and at least five baseboard heaters within reach, they don’t ever have to fight over one specific location of heat. I can’t imagine how much they’d freeze if I didn’t run the heat while I was at work. That’s why it’s handy to own a smart thermostat to make your HVAC controls remote.

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