My daughter’s AC had failed while she was away

When my daughter returned from her short vacation, she wasn’t happy.

In fact, she called me crying because her house plants were almost dying.

I told her to try and save all the ones she could, and get rid of the ones that were beyond saving. My daughter has a love and passion for plants. She’s always collected exotic plants, and she even turned her bedroom into a plant room when she was younger. The same happened after she got her first apartment, and she even sold some to friends and strangers. Well, this time, she was a bit hurt by the situation she found when she got home. It seems the air conditioning in her home had failed while she was away. While plants do love humidity and a bit of warmth, this was too much. Her apartment is small, so it became more like a furnace for her plants. My daughter told me she’d left her AC running, with the proper settings to keep her house plants happy. She was going away for 12 days, and knew all would be well when she got back. However, she was in for a rude shock when she opened her door after arriving from the airport. A hot and nasty smell hit her, and this sent my daughter into a panic. It seems her AC had failed while she was away, and not her plants were suffering. I did my best to calm her down, and she managed to get a portable AC working. Then, she started checking her plants one by one to see which ones she could salvage. Unfortunately, she’d need to get rid of the more sensitive ones which were already rotting.
Heat pump