My A/C component went so quietly

I have never liked complete silence.

I am not sure how some people are comfortable with pure silence; Some people even feel comfortable and concentrate better with complete silence. I don’t understand that at all, I enjoy to have at least some noise in the background, then usually the sound of a low hum of a fan is great enough for me. I used to have a important box fan that did the trick, although, as much as I loved that box fan, I would say it was a little too noisy. The air it blew was good though. However, I ended up finding the perfect middle ground in my new home… My new apartment came with a great high quality cooling system, and it made a nice low hum when it was running; Not loud enjoy my box fan was, however not super quiet either. When I am trying to concentrate, or if I am trying to go to sleep, I will often turn on the Heating and A/C unit. I was trying to write a few articles when I noticed something was off, but breaking out of my concentration, I realized my A/C component had gone silent. This was odd, as I had identifiably turned it on before focusing on the task ahead. I went over to my smart control component and the A/C device was off. I turned it back on, and sure enough it started pouring cool air out of the A/C vents. That was really strange, it has never turned itself off before.


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