Money plus the art of climate control

Money plus time; they both seem like they are regularly slipping through our hands when my friend and I turn our heads for a minute or two.

I’ve just surrendered to the notion that I can’t hold onto either one plus have accepted that one afternoon they will both run out in the end.

So I’m just learning to prefer what I have now plus flow along separate from fighting anything that happens with my time or money. I’ll be 56 years seasoned soon plus who knows how much time I have left, although I will live the time I have left. Heating plus A/C maintenance reminds me that I need to keep earning money each afternoon by doing ductwork cleaning plus other things for the local contractor in town. I am grateful for the work I have each week plus hopefully by the end of this year I can save a little buffer in the bank so I don’t have to worry about anything, then today I am going to work on the radiant radiant floors in the flat because they aren’t working like they were when my friend and I had them installed a few years ago. If I can’t figure it out after that my friend and I will just get someone here to fix it next week. There is an Heating plus A/C contractor near us that can come out on a moment’s notice plus get the radiant floors back to working again. The weather is pretty mediocre right now however in a few months it will get entirely cold plus my feet will be gleeful that my friend and I have nice warm floors in the flat.


Heating technology