I turned on my AC early last spring

It’s been such a wonderful year for my business, and I can say I’m truly grateful.

For the longest time, I loved plants and wanted to open a plant shop.

However, my parents insisted that it was more of a hobby. In our family, mom and dad sort of bully us into the careers they think are perfect for us. So, this is how I found myself in finance and working in an office in the city. I know many people would love the job, and the pay wasn’t bad at all. But, I always felt drained walking into the skyscraper every morning. Then, the pandemic hit, and I found myself working from home. With so much time on my hands, I decided to work on my neglected garden. I also had a sunroom set up, and got many houseplants. That rekindled my love for plants, and my idea for a plant shop. Many people loved the pictures I was taking of my house and garden plants, and I was soon selling them. When it was time to go back to the office, I quit, moved my plants to a shop, and began my business. Last spring, I had to turn on my AC early at home since it was getting hotter every day. I still have plants in my sunroom, and also in my plant shop in the village. When it gets too hot, I find it better to turn on the AC and regulate the temperatures in my home. That way, my plants can grow and thrive. I also adjust the temperature settings on the thermostat in my plant shop for the same effect.


a/c tune up