I joined a chair yoga class.

When I was younger, I was always at the yoga studio.

My older sister taught yoga to the elderly.

Many the people were infirmed, and she started showing them yoga poses they could do was still in a chair. She told them she they should not use their wheelchair as crutches but as a means to do yoga poses. I was sure some of the older men weren’t excited to take a new class, but the nurses prescribed for them. Two years ago, I had a skiing accident and lost my legs. I spent several months in the hospital recuperating and then I had to do physical therapy. Most of the first year, I spent feeling sorry for myself and fighting anyone who thought they knew what I was going through or they knew how to help me. The second tier I spent realizing I was not going to miraculously grow to more legs, but I had to learn how to be at dependent without them. While in the nursing home, my sister had come in and done her chair yoga class. I was in my physical therapy class. When she saw me in there, she asked if she could take me over into the chair yoga class with her. That was the first time that I actually started working my body and feeling like I make it back to me again. Thanks to the chair yoga and all the people in my physical therapy group, I am starting to find the real me again. I never I never thought I would be in this position, but I am. I had to remember how serene it always felt when I was in the yoga studio when I was younger.

Personal Trainer