I don’t have control of the heating in my apartment

I live in a major metropolitan city in a 20-story apartment.

And while by definition, the building is considered to be a high-rise structure, my building is nowhere close to the height of many of the other buildings in the city.

Some buildings are over 50 stories high. In fact, the tallest building in the city is just under 100 stories up. Many of these buildings have been around for over 100 years and have only had minor upgrades since then. For instance, my building doesn’t have air conditioning. The building was built before A/Cs became popular inside people’s homes. And as far as heat, it is provided using radiators that are connected to boilers in the buildings. Unfortunately, I don’t have a thermostat inside my apartment, which means the heat is controlled by the landlord or the building management. When the temperature drops below a certain degree, the business management is required to adjust the thermostat on the boiler to provide heating throughout the building. While the heat is great, it can become quite uncomfortable. If you’ve ever used a radiator, you know that they can get quite hot because scorching hot water is being distributed through the pipes. I can tell when the landlord turns on the boiler because I hear the clanking and the pipes also can become noisy from the hot water flowing through them once the boiler is turned on. Of course, I would prefer it if I could control my own heating because I would be able to adjust the temperature accordingly. Oh well, it’s part of the deal I signed when I moved to this metropolitan city.


cooling tech