I didn’t know she knew about HVAC servicing.

My sister called me last week, and I was really kind of surprised. We usually limit our phone calls to a holiday or birthday call. I hadn’t thought about a family reunion, which only happens once every five years. When my phone rang, I wasn’t expecting it to be my sister. She started talking about the reunion, which I really didn’t care about. She wanted to know where we should have it and when we could meet to make some decisions. I was amenable to discussing the reunion, but I wasn’t thinking about it. My sister seldom became chatty, and she wanted to discuss her HVAC system. She wanted to know if I knew anything about HVAC. She told me she had just got a new HVAC system and the HVAC technician was telling her about regular servicing. She told me she had bought a maintenance agreement to go with the HVAC system. They guaranteed a once a year full service on both the air conditioning unit and the furnace for free. If any service or parts were necessary any other time, she paid a set fee and everything else was free. They also supplied her with a year’s worth of free air filters for the furnace and the air conditioning. I didn’t know that there was such a thing as a maintenance and repair agreement for the HVAC system. I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with my sister, but she really opened my eyes when it came to my HVAC system. I realized I had never had my HVAC system inspected, and I had to ask about the maintenance agreement. She told me the cost of the agreement for two years was less than she paid for one maintenance appointment.
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