I Can Live for Just Over $1000 a Month Here

This is pretty nice news considering I was spending about $6000 a month in the states to live.

Now I can work about several hours a day plus pay all of our living expenses where I am living overseas. I have a nice giant 3 dining room flat with a single quiet roommate who is at work most of the time. The two of us see each other for our yoga sessions plus supper however that is about it. I like not having all of that money stress each month like back in the states. I work for this heating plus AC supplier a few afternoons a month for a couple hours a day plus then write at lake condo for our other job. I am saving money each month plus it feels good, especially after losing a bunch of money in cryptos. I am still piling money into our cryptos as they are way down now, so hopefully all of this money from laboring for the Heating as well as Air Conditioning supplier is going to pay off. I think it will as the cryptos seemed to have been riding at the bottom for a while plus are starting to show signs of life again. If our coins go up about 10x over the next year or several then I will be back to where I began before losing it all. I am also doing some Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment service in homes plus offices for a little extra money. I have about a billion Shiba coins now plus am hoping it makes a giant jump soon like they are predicting. Time will tell.

help with indoor comfort