I bought an air purification system

Since I have so many lingering odors in my house, I finally broke down and bought an air purification system.

My kids and my husband are constantly cooking in my kitchen. it’s not really that I want to complain about it because I like eating all of the foods that they make. I just don’t like the fact that there is so much smoke and grease leftover in my kitchen. It gets all over the walls and the ceilings and it makes everything feel sticky and yucky. Not only that, but it also gets into the ventilation system. I cannot tell you the last time I thought that the indoor air quality in my house was up to par. Every time the heating system turns on this winter, I feel like we are cooking hamburgers or chicken wings all over again. I guess that the smell of grease and smoke somehow got lodged in the central heating system, and now every time it turns on, the smell comes blasting through the ventilation ducts into the house. It would be nice if I was hungry or if I was actually at a restaurant, but the fact that it is just my house makes me feel sick a lot of the time. You just don’t want your house to constantly smell like a chicken wing. I finally told my husband that I was done with it and that I was buying a whole home air purification system. I bought one from our local HVAC company to run in tandem with our heating and cooling system. Now, every single time the thermostat kicks on, the air purification system runs too.


Cooling technology