How to Clean a Gas Fireplace in the Home

If you have an oil oil furnace, electric heater, or oil furnace connected to your gas fireplace, you will also need to have it worked on by an Heating as well as Air Conditioning rep once a year

A gas fireplace is a great way to add both warmth plus ambiance to your home. But like any other type of fireplace, it requires regular service to keep it in nice laboring order. The two of us will get you started by giving you some handy tips on how to clean a gas fireplace. Keeping any kind of equipment maintained is a nice way to extend the life of it to save you money in the long haul. Now let’sget down to supplier with the cleaning steps. The first step is to disconnect any soot or ashes that have accumulated on the firebox. You can do this with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Just be sure to wear gloves or use a dust mask to avoid breathing in the soot. Next, you will need to clean the glass doors of the fireplace, start by removing any dirt or debris with a soft cloth. Then, use a glass cleaner plus a lint-free cloth to disinfect down the doors. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions when cleaning the glass. Finally, you will want to vacuum or sweep out the chimney. This will help disconnect any buildup that could cause a fire hazard. If you have an oil oil furnace, electric heater, or oil furnace connected to your gas fireplace, you will also need to have it worked on by an Heating as well as Air Conditioning rep once a year. This will help ensure that your heating plus cooling system is running safely plus efficiently. For those of you with a wood burning fireplace there are also tips online for cleaning them.


How to Clean a Gas Fireplace in the Home