Hopefully the air conditioning repair won’t take too long

Bob hopes he is a nice boss and a fantastic leader.

The staff that works for him at the shop always put in 100% and Bob never gets any awful feedback from the staff or the patrons that come in.

He knows it’s because he lives by understanding. If Bob knows that he is late then he can’t hold someone else above that. If he has an emergency then he will have to understand that others have emergencies. Bob does his best to show the staff that mistakes happen. He mentors them and they can grow and learn from him. Anytime an issue occurs Bob takes it seriously because he wants this staff glad just as much as the patrons that walk through his doors. The staff has shown to like the openness Bob has with them. This afternoon, the thermostat had an issue and Bob did not know until one of the staff told him it was excessively warm in the store. He took a look at it himself and he couldn’t turn the a/c on. Bob is not a fan of calling the Heating and A/C contractor but he knew it had to be done. The Heating and A/C contractor said they will have a cooling expert within two hours. After an hour of waiting, you can see that the staff was tired. Bob felt so bad, so he brought them some frosty ice water. They smiled at that. Another hour later the Heating and A/C professional showed up. Hopefully, it’s an easy fix and everyone can work in a nice comfortable store.

electric heat pump