HOA comes after me over HVAC

The letters arrive and I throw them right in the trash.

Our HOA is forever threatening me over some stupid HVAC detail.

They can’t even muster the class to mail the letters. These HOA people keep taping them to my door. Who does that? Our HOA board can get really over reactive when it comes to the littlest things. It strikes me of the most sophomorish behavior imaginable. There is a reason for the HOA. We all want to be sure that there are some minimal standards being adhered to in order to maintain our collective property value. However, that is really as far as it should go. Any authority can go right to the heads of the sort of people who want to sit on an HOA board. I have a streak in me that really just has to resist people like this. So, when I got a knock on my door while I was relaxing in the HVAC after work, it was the last straw. The HOA wants me to build a fence because the landscaper cut our hedge a bit too short. If you look really closely, you can just see the HVAC condenser cabinet from the street. Seriously, that is my offense. After the first letter taped to my door, I phoned and told them that the hedge would grow back in a few months. That was not good enough and they wanted action or they were going to begin fining me. This led to me unloading on the HOA board member that had the nerve to come to my house about some miniscule HVAC matter. He got both barrels and a threat of my own. I told them if I heard another word about this HVAC issue, I would be letting the lawyers handle it.

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