Helping our Mom with new Heating and Air Conditioning technology

I’m really thankful to have our outdated guy so close by.

  • When our mom died, he really wanted to stay in the family home.

But after about a year, he came to myself and others to discuss making a large change; Since university, I’ve been residing down south. My Mom had spent his entire life up north battling those winters… He grew up in a beach apartment that had a big boiler that produced radiant heating. But the apartment I grew up in had central air conditioner with a gas gas furnace for the winter! And that’s the same apartment that the two of us ended up replacing the Heating and Air Conditioning component in order to get it on the market plus Mom down south. He’s been here now for just over a year. Both of us found a cool little apartment for him as he wasn’t at all interested in an apartment! Mom plus I worked on this little location together as it needed so work. And that was so fantastic because the two of us spent some fantastic time together. Finally, the last thing the two of us needed to do was update the heating plus cooling equipment. Since the two of us had been through this before when selling the family home, the two of us sort of new what the two of us were after… Yet, Mom was hesitant when it came to the Heating and Air Conditioning technology. However, I assured him that this Heating and Air Conditioning technology was intuitive plus the smart temperature control practically worked on itself. All it took was a few times of Mom watching as I showed him the new Heating and Air Conditioning technology; Now, he’s enjoy an outdated pro plus just enjoys the quality heating plus air in his new location.


Energy saving tips