Friend’s husband is technician

That’s how he managed to diagnose our failing central air conditioning plan without even coming out to see the system for himself! I was complaining to my friend about our spotty cooling service one day, just describing all the random hot and humid indoor air conditions we’ve been experiencing while the AC was supposedly running

Have you ever had an older, wiser person in your life tell you that “it’s all about who you know”? I know I heard that for many years, but never really understood what it meant until much later in life. As I’ve grown older, I’ve finally realized the truth behind this sentiment when it comes to finding a job, moving into a new house, or fixing up the one that you have. I’m very lucky to have amazing people in my life, and our associations have saved me a ton of trouble. For instance, my best friend’s husband is a certified heating and cooling technician at a local ventilation repair shop in town. He has been in the field of home temperature control for over 15 years at this point, so he really knows what he’s talking about when the topic of central heating and cooling systems comes up. That’s how he managed to diagnose our failing central air conditioning plan without even coming out to see the system for himself! I was complaining to my friend about our spotty cooling service one day, just describing all the random hot and humid indoor air conditions we’ve been experiencing while the AC was supposedly running. Her husband walked in the room and without pause, told me to have the refrigerant level inspected, the air filter replaced, and the fan blades carefully cleaned in the air conditioner unit. He handed me the card for his work intern, and said the young ventilation technician would do the job for free with the family and friends discount. Thanks to this social connection, I had my whole cooling system serviced for free, and my house is wonderfully cool and comfortable again!

Heat pump repair