Cleaning all of the air vents and covers

Things around the world are genuinely crazy right now, but everyone is concerned about getting the covid-19 virus, then my family and I are actually concerned; I have poor asthma and most of us have allergies as well.

If the people I was with and I get sick, the people I was with and I are going to have a lot of problems breathing. I heard that is the number a single problem that folks are having with this virus. That’s the biggest reason why the people I was with and I are doing our best to stay safe and stay home. I have been using extra precautions at home. The people I was with and I clean and sanitize all of the surfaces numerous times during the afternoon. I have been changing the air filter every week, instead of yearly. I also bought an replaced air filter the last time oh, and this a single is especially made for indoor air pollutants, bacteria, germs, and viruses. I also cleaned all of the air vents and covers this week. I wore a mask and rubber gloves, but I cleaned every single a single of the vent covers this week. I carefully removed every a single of them with a screwdriver. I sited them in a bathtub filled with warm water, glue, and dish liquid. I wanted to get all of the dust and dirt out of the air vents. I used a dusting wand to remove as much dust and debris from the air vents as possible. I didn’t find a lot of grime, which made me actually ecstatic. Until the virus has been safely eradicated, my family and I are going to do our best to stay safe and healthy.

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