Allergies can be serious while I was in the Springtime

When I was a kid, I had a serious allergic reaction and it caused my skin to get immense hives that were as large as my hand. The hives were all over my body and my parents freaked out and took me to the emergency room. The doctor did a bunch of tests to find out if I was allergic to anything else. When they were done with all of the tests, they found out that I was allergic to 50 unusual things, including a variety of indoor and outdoor allergens! During the Springtime, my dust irritations can be severe. I get hay fever which includes sneezing, a runny nose, and a puffy face! Sometimes I have a headache while I was in this time as well… Hay fever dust irritations are terrible. They make me believe even worse than food dust irritations; At least with a food allergy you can take something and have immediate relief. It’s not care about that with seasonal dust irritations. I am an adult now with a house of my own and I do my best to make sure that I am prepared for the Springtime time when my dust irritations will be at their worst. I have an indoor air cleaner that I use while I was in the Springtime. I run the air cleaner all of the time and I change the filter once every week. The Springtimetime is the worst, so I do not mind running the air cleaner every day. I made sure to get an energy efficient model from the local heating and A/C business. The air cleaner even came with a 3-year warranty on all of the parts.


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