A space heater is not a good idea

Even though I keep telling him that it’s not a good idea, my husband thinks that we should go camping this weekend with a space heater and a generator.

I really don’t understand what the obsession is with camping with him.

He always wants to go camping, no matter what the temperature or the weather is outside. The weather forecast says that it is supposed to be freezing cold this weekend and that we are even supposed to get some snow. The forecast does not deter my husband in the least, though. He really doesn’t care about the inclement weather that is supposed to be coming. He just says that he wants to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. I don’t know about you, but I am not going to enjoy the great outdoors if it is freezing cold. If the temperature is somewhere below 60 degrees, you can count me out. He keeps telling me that he will make everything nice and cozy because he is planning on taking a generator and our electric space heater with him. He wants to put the electric space heater inside of our tent and camp outside with the generator running. I think that this whole thing is a crazy idea. It not only sounds uncomfortable, but it also sounds unsafe. I’m going to tell him that I’m not going camping again until it’s warm enough to use our actual camper with an actual heating and cooling system installed in it. He is probably going to get mad at me, but I don’t care.

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