A Climate Friendly Air Conditioning System

Some time back, I came across a post suggesting we switch off our home air conditioning system to reduce our carbon footprint.

But that idea is unachievable for homes in regions now experiencing higher temperatures during summer and colder winters.

If anything, this past summer has shown us that air conditioning installation is about to become a basic housing need. But how do we balance our AC needs and our goal to be climate-friendly? I took the initiative to speak to our HVAC tech about how homeowners could ensure that their cooling technology has a lower carbon footprint while running efficiently. Their first recommendation was to have the air conditioning filter changed regularly. A dirty filter interferes with the AC’s efficiency and increases its energy demand. The cooling expert also mentioned that he needed to upgrade the old units to new HVAC systems with a programmable thermostat. Upgrading your cooling equipment may sound expensive, but it also offers more efficacy and energy savings than older versions. The initial costs of installing new and quality HVAC units pay up when your energy bills reduce after the change. The HVAC professional also pointed out that most homeowners forget to seal their walls and windows as the season changes, which contributes to air leaks, forcing the AC to work harder to cool and heat the home. From the recommendations, I noticed that whatever saves your energy bills is a plus for the planet, so we also win by making planet-friendly changes. The cooling industry is already looking into ways to contribute to climate action by producing heat and AC products that are more energy efficient. It now falls on the consumers to embrace the changes, and if your current a/c expert does not offer such options, it would be best to find a new contractor who will guide you into running an energy-efficient home.


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