When you have to work from home, you need a working A/C

I’ve been having to work from home for the past four months, even though I would much rather go into the office to get stuff done.

I personally think that it’s much harder to concentrate and get work done at home where there are so many distractions.

When you’re at the office, you’re there to work and nothing else. But when you’re trying to work from home, it’s much different. Another problem that I’ve been having with working from home has been my central air conditioning system. It’s really been going on the blink for the past few months, and of course that’s also the same time period that the weather has been heating up. I’ve been trying to keep the A/C running with what little amount of knowledge I have about HVAC units, but there’s really not much else I can do other than check the power, the air filters, and the batteries in the thermostat unit. My house is so warm and stuffy when the air conditioning isn’t working correctly. It makes it even harder to concentrate when I’m extra warm and sleepy and my bed is right next to me! At least when I’m at the office, the air conditioning is usually working correctly. As a matter of fact, the A/C at the office is usually a little bit too cold for my liking. But at least when the cooling system is running, I don’t feel like I want to curl up and fall asleep! I guess I’m going to have to go ahead and call my local HVAC company to come and fix the A/C in my house. It’s just one more expense I’m going to have because I have to work from home now.


Mini split air conditioner