We were planning for the Christmas holiday.

Although it was only July, we knew that if we were going to get a nice place for our family Christmas holiday, we would have to get it now.

I was worried that we should have secured our cabin last year, instead of waiting until July.

The only reason we waited was because my son was moving and he was hoping we could all gather at his place. When the move didn’t happen, we had to scramble to see where we could find a cabin near a ski lodge that would accommodate 20 people. I called every ski lodge within 100 miles, hoping to find a cabin or log house that would accommodate 20 people. There was only one available, and they said it was rustic. It had five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a hot tub. I was sure their rustic was talking about the way the house was decorated, and how it was built, but I wasn’t sure. When we got to the cabin, every room had a fireplace, but I didn’t see any heating system. It devastated me to think that we were on top of the mountain, had 6 inches of snow on the ground when we arrived with 10 more expected, and all they had was fireplaces. The fireplaces would not have been bad if there was wood stacked in or around the home, but there wasn’t any. I ended up calling the rental office, and inquiring ‌where to get the wood? She told me that the fireplaces were not there to be used, but left there for the rustic feel. She said there was a ductless HVAC system, and the remote for each room was on the mantel of the fireplace.