We miss having our kids in the house

After the youngsters moved out of the home in addition to going to university, my hubby and I were left with a lot of empty space in addition to no one to fill it… Every one of us decided to get another pet, but we still found our sounds barely using only half of the house…

Then I wanted to save money on the heating in addition to the cooling bill, in addition to I decided to install a damper to help divert some of the cool air to the rest of the house…

However, the damper closes down the vents in the back of the home where there are more than one room that is not being used. The damper allows us to cool only parts of our home. It was a lot cheaper than installing a zone heating in addition to the cooling unit. The best section about the damper is the fact that we can still diver moderate or cool air to that section of the home if the youngsters are home for a few afternoons. But right now, it was an easy repair in addition to a great solution to our ongoing problem. I miss having the youngsters around every day, but they are doing particularly well at university too. One of my youngsters goes to University to study chemistry. In addition to that, he plays soccer. Then my other son is in his first year of medical university. But my last child just started university in addition to he is going to focus on education. My husband in addition to I could not be prouder of our children, but we do miss hearing the sound of their voices. Thankfully they call us often in addition to coming to visit whenever they have a holiday.

Heating technology