Using the gym to stave off the effects of aging

Whoever discovers a way to give adults the same metabolism possessed by children will be the richest person alive.

I have three kids, and they consume an insane amount of food and remain rail-thin.

If I eat three oreos I somehow put on two pounds, which shouldn’t be possible. This is the curse of being middle aged, and having that kind of metabolism. There comes a point in life when a switch is flipped, and you go from never putting on a pound, to constantly putting on weight. I went from someone who never went to the gym once in his life, to someone who goes to the gym five days a week. I have set up a very nice pattern for myself, with a modified workout program to try and stave off the horrors of aging! I do yoga classes two days a week, and quite frankly the yoga serves as the backbone for my entire program. Yoga gives me the core strength and flexibility to use in every other aspect of my physical fitness. One day a week I do light weight training, just enough to keep me growing more core strength, but I’m not interested in developing big muscles. I tried cross fit for a few weeks, and although I liked the intensity it wasn’t a good fit for my personality. I am a quiet person, which perhaps is why yoga works so well for me, because it combines exercise and meditation into one total package. Until they find a cure for aging, this is the best I can do!

Personal Fitness Programs