Turns out it was a leveling issue

When I first moved into my rental apartment my landlord told me not to call about HVAC.

He went into some long speech about already servicing the unit. He told me it worked fine. Well that was a total lie. I experienced one summertime and realized that the AC wasn’t up to par. The air coming out of the unit was tepid. I was constantly sweaty and unhappy. I knew the guy wouldn’t call a HVAC business over the cooling unit. So I started looking up online on what to do. I changed the air filter which showed the cooling service never happened. The filter was clogged with months worth of dust, debris and hair. That didn’t fix the AC though. I vacuumed the inside of it and checked the ductwork for any damage. Then I went to my outdoor unit and noticed it was at an angle. The unit was only slightly tipped but enough that I noticed. I started researching online if a tipped outdoor air compressor would affect the cooling of a HVAC unit. Turns out, yes it does. The refrigerant will pool to one side of the machine and then the air won’t blow over it. So then the air coming from the compressor and through the ductwork hasn’t been cooled, it will feel hot. I bought some cement blocks to prop up my machine and I leveled it. Now that it is all squared away, I have perfect cooling. I haven’t told my landlord yet that I fixed his cooling issues. When the guy won’t give me my rental deposit back I will threaten to take the good AC away.


Turns out it was a leveling issue