The warm sunshine was too much for the crew

My family has been racing cars since the 1920’s. My Grandfather l gained how to drive fast so she could outrun the police during the days of prohibition. The two of us started stock car racing about twenty years later. My dad opened a car dealership in the fifties; She sold pontiacs to everyone in town. Very few of years ago, our dad retired and I took over the dealership. Things have been taxing since dad retired, because no 1 respects me as the boss, last weekend, the sales team refused to go outside to talk to buyers because it was hot. It was 93 outside, however it’s our task to meet and greet all of the customers on the property. I caught several women in the breakroom sitting in front of the air conditioner. When I demanded to suppose if they were on the clock, they complained about the heat and the humidity; An hour later, I found several other employees hovered over the air conditioner in the breakroom. The warm sunshine and humidity seemed to be a problem. The next time I found emp[loyees wasting time in the breakroom, I sent them home. Two women were sitting next to the air conditioner and they were tied up to be repairing a ford focus in bay 1. When I found them sitting by the AC, I sent them both cabin for the day separate from pay. These women are going to need to start respecting me or I will be forced to find someone else to take their location. I have a stack of resumes twenty or thirty people deep.



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