The police station needs a new hydronic heating system

The police station is one of our largest buyers in the heating business.

The reason why this is so is that the station is immense and so it has a couple of heat and A/C products.

This means that they always call the office to schedule Heating as well as Air Conditioning service and boiler repairs every now and then throughout the year. The east wing of the station has an electric gas furnace which was fixed numerous months ago. The west wing where all the substantial offices are situated has an electric pump, which was the main reason for our visit last week. The heating system had all of a sudden started emitting freezing air and making unrespected noises. Upon checking the electric heating system, we established that some of the inner components were worn off and the entire component needed to be replaced. The heating dealership was able to supply a hydronic heating system. This component would help lower the energy costs and though it would need as much gas furnace service as the hybrid system, the Heating as well as Air Conditioning repairman confirmed that the heating system/heater replacement would be more affordable. The officers at the station were happy with the new component and the fact that they were able to save so much on the utility bills. The station continues to be one of our best buyers despite the financials being handled by the government, they pay on time and regularly keep up with the servicing needs. This was my first time installing this system and from the reviews, I was sure this was the same system I would have fixed at my home. The component I had needed a giant update.


heat pump service