The grand opening of the new HVAC contractor was spectacular

We had been anticipating the grand opening of a new contractor in our area.

It was a brand new HVAC supplier with varieties of modern heating and cooling systems and different styles of HVAC components.

They had the latest and best smart thermostats as well as other heat and AC products. The best thing of all was for the grand opening weekend only, they had 25% off on all their heat and AC products. I think that I told everybody in my family about this as well as all my buddies. We all planned to go to the grand opening and we did not regret it! I couldn’t believe the massive size of the building. They had very kind HVAC experts all around showing demonstrations on different HVAC systems like radiant heated floors and rapid heating and cooling systems. I was impressed with everything and to learn that even the radiant heated flooring installation would be 25% off was unbelievable. So, we decided to sign up for a radiant heated flooring installation right away because this was a deal only while supplies lasted! Fortunately, we were able to secure our appointment. The installation took a couple of days, but the new heating system is phenomenal. And this was done in the fall season, so it was the perfect timing for us to invest in a new heating system like radiant heated floors. Also, all my family and friends didn’t leave that grand opening sale without something. Some had new thermostats, and one of my best buds got a cool electric fireplace.

New air conditioning