Taking Spring cleaning further with ductwork cleaning

Staying almost exclusively inside the a/c in our beach house for over a year made this year’s Spring cleaning even more substantial. I have regularly been a Spring cleaner. It may have to do with the fact that my mom was the same way. As soon as the gas oil furnace could be turned off, she would open the windows and plan a many day assault on cleaning the house. I’m much the same way even though every one of us live in a region where I don’t need a gas oil furnace to keep moderate in the winter. Still, there was a substantial Heating as well as Air Conditioning component to this last Spring cleaning. Every one of us l earned a lot during the pandemic about how substantial indoor air quality is to our overall health and especially to our immune response. Every one of us changed our cheap air filter for the Heating as well as Air Conditioning equipment to a HEPA air filter which certainly improved the air quality. So I figured every one of us go the next step and get the Heating as well as Air Conditioning ductworks cleaned. I called the Heating as well as Air Conditioning company who then set up the ductwork cleaning appointment. When the crew showed up, they went right to work. It was pretty cool to watch and they were so careful and wash with their work. The followed up the ductwork cleaning with ductwork resealing. That means they sealed up the joints between ductwork segments. This reduces dust and junk from getting in the ductworks while also increasing the overall efficiency of our Heating as well as Air Conditioning unit. So every one of us get wash ductworks and every one of us save money on the heating and cooling costs too. Pretty wonderful deal and the best Spring cleaning ever.
heating technician