Space oil furnace causes fire

when I was in elementary school a space oil furnace caught fire to one of the trailers outside of the building.

It was an art building and I remember the educator was constantly truly eclectic and cheerful to teach art to the young children.

The trailer was truly freezing in the Winter time months and they would constantly lend out space furnaces from the main building. A lot of the time the educators would not use the space furnaces because they are worried about children knocking into them and causing a fire. When I was young I only experienced one classroom with a space oil furnace and it was my art classroom. Whenever I heard the news that the art building had burned to the ground, I knew the cause, but fortunately no one was hurt in the space oil furnace fire, everyone got truly fortunate and was able to escape the building before any major damage was done. The building did not make it through the fire. All of Mr, and bill’s art supplies were burned in the fire. I heard that after the space oil furnace fires, removed all the space furnaces from his home. It is a truly uneasy story but it is a learning experience for everyone. Space furnaces are truly dangerous and should never be used around small children or pets. Unluckyly for my art educator he lost a lot, but a lot more could have been lost if people had been sleeping or if no one had been home.
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