Replacing roof trims heating and cooling costs

When we purchased our house, we knew that the roof would need to be replaced within the next five years.

We held off on the project for as long as possible.

Neither my husband or I was looking forward to the cost and mess of tearing off the ancient roof and the many layers of shingles. After a while, there simply was no choice. We were finding stray shingles in the lawn after every storm. Whenever it rained, we had numerous leaks in the ceilings. We started worrying about structural damage to the home. As expected the project was very expensive and disruptive. We had roofing contractors showing up super early in the morning, making tons of noise and trampling my gardens. While the project was progressing, we were unable to operate our air conditioner. The cool air would have leaked straight out of the open rafters. The new roof was installed during the month of July and the outside temperature was steadily in the mid eighties. Without an air conditioner, the house was horribly overheated and uncomfortable. Once the job was completed, we were excited to turn down the thermostat and start up the air conditioner. We figured it would take a long time for the system to bring the temperature down to a comfortable level. Instead, every room was perfectly cool within an hour. Since installing the new roof, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in the comfort and cleanliness of our house. My heating and cooling bills are nearly twenty percent lower. We have less issues with dust and airborne contaminants. The air conditioner and furnace don’t need to work as hard, are operating more efficiently and maintaining more consistent indoor temperature. We should not have waited so long to replace the roof.
