Pay more for professional air duct services

That is how he fixed the hole

I recently got our air duct cleaned by a business that wasn’t all that professional; I learn online that they do it with a giant vacuum to suck up the dust, dirt and hair… This guy used a wipe brush and walked throughout our house sticking it up in the vents! He wasn’t gentle about his scrubbing either… After the guy left I observed that our Heating and Air Conditioning system just kept running and running. A month later I observed our energy bill higher than usual. I looked online and what happened was the guy disfigured our air duct. He either split into a seam or made a hole in a single of the ducts. The air our Heating and Air Conditioning is making is literally leaking outside. I am paying to heat or cool the outdoors now. I now need to call a business to perform air duct sealing. I am smart and learn from our mistakes. I called an actual Heating and Air Conditioning business that has NATE certified workers. I had a real professional do the sealing. The guy had a professional gun looking thing that shoots air with sealant particles into the duct. That is how he fixed the hole. He found it by inserting a camera into our vents and did it abruptly however gently. It took the guy maybe 30 minutes to perform the repair, however what do you know, the guy mentioned that the inside of our ducts looked truly dirty. He showed me the footage he captured and he was right, and now I need to pay for air duct cleaning again because obviously it wasn’t done right the first time.


Heating industry