Heating and cooling ruins shopping experience

I have never been a fan of shopping at the mall.

During the winter, the stores are all terribly overheated.

Because of the walk across the parking lot, we’re forced to bundle up in heavy boots and coats. Then we get inside and get blasted by a steady stream of hot air. I get frustrated with carrying my coat around while I’m trying to shop. Plus, the overly high temperature gives me a headache and makes me feel sluggish. I am just as unhappy with heading to the mall in the summer. Since the outside temperature is hot and humid, I tend to dress in lightweight shorts and a tank top. As soon as I step inside the mall, I just about freeze to death. The air conditioning is always blasting at maximum capacity. I don’t enjoy shivering while I’m attempting to try on an outfit. I much prefer to complete my shopping requirements from the comfort of my own home. I can set my thermostat to the ideal temperature, dress in comfy clothes and even drink a cup of tea while I shop over the internet. My purchases then get delivered right to my front door. It’s super easy and convenient. Just recently, I visited my son down south and went shopping at an outdoor mall. This was a whole different experience. Each store provides an exterior entrance and many of them prop their doors wide open. They have the air conditioning running non stop attempting to keep the store comfortable while the cool air escapes right out the door. It’s quite a change of temperature between walking outside and stepping into the air conditioned shops.


a/c rep

Boiler links to radiant floors and snowmelt system

Living in the northeast, very close to the Canadian border, the winter weather creates a lot of work and expense.

We deal with temperatures down to negative twenty-five and the wind chill makes it feel even colder.

The annual snow accumulation typically adds up to three feet. With the winter conditions lasting approximately eight months, we need a very powerful and durable heating system. I am fortunate to have a boiler installed in my home. The boiler is a hydronic heating system and links to a series of pipes concealed beneath the floors. These pipes circulate hot water to create heated flooring. The benefits of this type of heating system are outstanding. I don’t have any ugly heating equipment taking up living space or looking ugly. The operation is silent, clean and there’s very little maintenance. Because the heat is spread across the entire floor and radiated rather than blown into the air, there are no drafts and very little stratification. The difference in temperature near the floor and up by the ceiling is only around two or three degrees. Plus, the boiler and radiant floors accommodate zone control. I have a thermostat in each room that allows customized temperature settings. We can cater to personal preference and avoid heating empty rooms. One of the best features of the boiler is that it links to a snow melt system installed under the pavement of the driveway, walkways and front patio. The snow melt system reacts to moisture and temperature drop, automatically starting up and keeping the pavement clear. I don’t need to shovel, plow or use harsh chemicals, and we don’t get wet feet walking to the car.



Cooling specialist

I was trying to fix my own A/C but I made the whole thing worse

Last week, my central air conditioning system tore up on me. I decided that to try and save some money, I wasn’t going to call the local HVAC company this time. I decided that I wanted to try my hand at fixing the air conditioning myself. This probably wasn’t the best idea that I’ve ever had, seeing as how I don’t anything at all about heating and cooling. But I’m pretty cheap and I always like trying to save money whenever I can. That includes trying to do things myself, like working on my own HVAC system even though I have no clue what I’m doing. I guess I would probably be better off if I just went ahead and paid a professional to come and do the work for me in the first place, but I’m really stubborn that way. I just want to try and do everything myself. When my air conditioning system tore up, it was during one of the hottest weeks of the year and the temperature outside was in the high nineties! I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to try and do everything myself, but it didn’t work out the way that I planned it. I think I actually ended up making the problem with the A/C even worse. To make a long story short, I ended up having to call my local heating and cooling company to come and fix the air conditioning anyway, plus I had to wait three days during the heatwave because I didn’t make the appointment when I should have!


I’ve decided to go back to school this year

This year, I’ve decided that I want to go back to school to get my HVAC certification.

I’ve been working at the same job ever since I graduated from high school several years ago, but now I think that I’m ready to make a change.

I’m just not feeling very fulfilled in my job and I’m not exactly moving up the corporate ladder, either, if you know what I mean. I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels in the position that I’m in right now. I happened to read this ad in the paper about a month ago and it was about this HVAC certification class that they are going to be offering at our local community college in the fall. I called and talked to the person in charge of the HVAC class and got some more information about it. The more I read up on it and thought about it, the more I realized that becoming a heating and cooling technician might just be the right career path for me to take. I won’t have to be stuck in an office all day every day, for one. Also, I’ll get to talk to clients and interact with customers a lot of the time. I’m a people person, so being stuck in a cubicle at my current job is no fun for me at all. Plus, there is a lot of room for advancement in the HVAC world. As a woman, that’s probably even more true. Lots of heating and cooling corporations are looking for women to come and work for them and I’ll be more than happy to help them out when I get my HVAC certification!

oil heater

I didn’t grow up with air conditioning

I didn’t grow up with air conditioning, and my friends used to make fun of me for it all of the time.

Looking back, they were really not my friends if they were making fun of me for something so silly.

It did hurt my feelings back then though. I didn’t understand why my parents didn’t use air conditioning. I liked air conditioning, and they talked as if they liked air conditioning as well. Anytime that we visited someone’s house who had air conditioning, my parents would comment on how nice and cool it was in their house. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I realized that my parents couldn’t afford to use air conditioning, and that is why we never had air conditioning growing up. My mom was very sick her entire life, so my dad tried to work two jobs and take care of the house and kids. It was very hard on him. He did all that he could for us, but he didn’t make that much money, and it was all he could afford to put food on the table and pay the bills each month. I really appreciate all of his sacrifice for us. He never once complained about not having money or not having air conditioning. I learned from him not to complain about not having air conditioning. I actually didn’t think it was that bad not having air conditioning until my friends at school would mention it. Now that I have my own house and family, I actually don’t use air conditioning very often. It is not because of the money though. I am just so used to having air conditioning that I get cold quite easily.
Wifi thermostat

I absolutely love my new humidifier

I absolutely love my new humidifier.

I had not had a humidifier in my bedroom for years.

I used to use a humidifier every single night when I was a child. My mom had a thing for humidifiers. She thought that they were the cure to just about every problem in life. It is sort of hilarious thinking back on the things that my mom claimed that my humidifier did. It was basically the cure for every sickness and every skin issue that I ever had. I don’t think humidifiers are magical like she seemed to believe, but I do think that humidifiers have quite a bit of benefit to your health. I noticed that I didn’t struggle with having a stuffy nose as much when I used a humidifier every night. I don’t really know why I stopped using a humidifier in the first place, but I really should not have. I know that the humidifier that I used for years broke, and I never got another one. I should have gotten a new humidifier immediately, but I guess I didn’t see just how much it was doing for me back then. Now that I have been without a humidifier for about eight years, I realize just how much having a humidifier helps me. My mom must have heard me mention that I was looking into getting another humidifier because she showed up at my door today with a new humidifier for me. It is a really nice one too. I love my mom, and I love my new humidifier.



HVAC maintenance

My mom bought me a new dehumidifier

My mom bought me a new dehumidifier.

  • I didn’t tell her that she had to.

I actually told her not to buy me a new dehumidifier even though she accidentally broke my dehumidifier. I know that she doesn’t have a lot of extra money right now, so I told her not to worry about getting me another dehumidifier. I wasn’t that upset about my dehumidifier breaking anyways. I didn’t really like that dehumidifier. It worked, but it was one of the loudest dehumidifiers that I had ever heard. It was like that when I bought it about three years ago. I should have taken the dehumidifier back after my first time using it and hearing how loud it was, but at that time, I was too lazy. The dehumidifier worked, so I didn’t think the noise would be that big of a deal. Well, It turns out that the dehumidifier annoyed me so much. I could hear it while I was sleeping; I could hear it while I was trying to watch TV, and I could even hear it while I was cooking dinner. It drove me crazy sometimes. So, that is why I wasn’t that upset when my mom accidentally broke my dehumidifier. I wish that I would have gotten a new dehumidifier right away because my mom would not have bought me one then. I procrastinated on going to the store for no good reason, and my mom ended up buying me a new dehumidifier. It was really nice of her, and I probably would have done the same thing if I were her.

a/c care program

I didn’t have to use my air conditioner today

I would love to not have to use my air conditioner anymore

I didn’t have to use my air conditioner today, and it was so weird. I have had to use my air conditioner for the last several months. I honestly didn’t expect to have to use it today, but it was so cool outside. It was only like seventy-two degrees today. I could not believe it. The temperatures have been in the nineties for the last couple of months, and all of a sudden, it was only like seventy degrees. It was quite weird. I had my air conditioner on like usual, but within just an hour or so of having the air conditioner on, I got pretty chilly. I thought that maybe I was getting sick or something because I didn’t usually get chilly with the air conditioner on. It was so weird to turn my air conditioner off because I was too cold. Most days, my air conditioner could not really keep up with how warm the house was, so it would still be around eighty degrees in my house. I checked the thermostat, and it was only like sixty-five degrees in my house. It was so chilly. I checked the temperature outside, and I realized that at that point, it was only sixty-eight degrees outside. I am still in shock. It is not five o’clock in the evening, and the warmest it got all day was seventy-two degrees. It is back down to around sixty-eight degrees right now. I don’t miss the heat that is for sure. I would love to not have to use my air conditioner anymore. I doubt that it will stay this cool for long though.

Heating tune up

Just before the party, my air conditioner went out

Just before the party, my air conditioner went out.

  • It was the most inconvenient time that my air conditioner could have picked to go out.

I was so frustrated, and I didn’t know what to do. It was literally only about fifteen minutes before guests were supposed to start arriving, so I didn’t have time to cancel the party. I didn’t have any other form of air conditioning, so I decided to get a few fans and put them around the house to at least have airflow going. It turned out to be an okay party. It would have been a great party if it wasn’t so warm in the house. It was about sixty-five degrees in the house when the air conditioner stopped working, but it didn’t take very long for the house to get up to eighty degrees. I was surprised how fast it got warm in my house. It probably had to do with how many people were there, but still, I was surprised that it got so warm so fast. It was too hot for many people, so they apologized and left. I thought that everyone was going to leave, but thankfully, about ten people stayed. It wasn’t much of a party, but we did have a lot of fun. I called an HVAC technician last week, and they came out to fix my air conditioner. It took them two tries, but they finally have my air conditioner working properly once again. I am afraid to throw another party just in case my air conditioner stops working again


HVAC corporation

I love my air purifier

I love my air purifier.

I have had it for so many years.

I tried to count how many years I have had my air purifier the other day, and I could not figure out how many years it has been. I have had no issues with it so far. I know that it is over ten years old, so the fact that I have had no issues with it in at least ten years means that it is a pretty nice air purifier. If I ever have to get another air purifier, it will definitely be this same brand. I read the reviews on this specific brand of the air purifier before I bought it, and they were all so positive. I am glad that I decided to get this air purifier because the reviews were right. It is a very nicely made air purifier. It is made to last. I have had a few other air purifiers in the past, and none of them were like this air purifier. They simply were not made nicely like this one is. I hope that they still sell this specific air purifier after all of these years because I won’t know what air purifier to buy if these ones aren’t sold anymore. My mom actually told me that she looked into getting the same air purifier as I have, but she could not find it anywhere. I know she looked hard, but I also know that she is not very tech-savvy, so she may have missed it online. I plan to check tonight after work. I love my air purifier, and I hope I will find that they are still sold.

Heating corporation