Heating and cooling ruins shopping experience

I have never been a fan of shopping at the mall.

During the winter, the stores are all terribly overheated.

Because of the walk across the parking lot, we’re forced to bundle up in heavy boots and coats. Then we get inside and get blasted by a steady stream of hot air. I get frustrated with carrying my coat around while I’m trying to shop. Plus, the overly high temperature gives me a headache and makes me feel sluggish. I am just as unhappy with heading to the mall in the summer. Since the outside temperature is hot and humid, I tend to dress in lightweight shorts and a tank top. As soon as I step inside the mall, I just about freeze to death. The air conditioning is always blasting at maximum capacity. I don’t enjoy shivering while I’m attempting to try on an outfit. I much prefer to complete my shopping requirements from the comfort of my own home. I can set my thermostat to the ideal temperature, dress in comfy clothes and even drink a cup of tea while I shop over the internet. My purchases then get delivered right to my front door. It’s super easy and convenient. Just recently, I visited my son down south and went shopping at an outdoor mall. This was a whole different experience. Each store provides an exterior entrance and many of them prop their doors wide open. They have the air conditioning running non stop attempting to keep the store comfortable while the cool air escapes right out the door. It’s quite a change of temperature between walking outside and stepping into the air conditioned shops.


a/c rep